Thursday, January 5, 2012


The tragedy happened in the afternoon, when I went and fetch my sister from SMKS9. On the way home, at the traffic light near Plaza Masalam, a kapcai tried to ease his way beside my car. Finding the lack of space, he climbed up the divider to get further ahead. Then it happened. The kapcai fell down just beside my car. I was wondering if the kapcai hit my car. That would be a disaster. But at that time I didn't feel anything. So I just pray to god that nothing would happen to my car. Just in case I memorized his plate number WRX 4065. Later at home, to my disbelief, a nasty scratch was found at the right side of my front bumper. I was like...FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Bodo punye kapcai! Sume org pon nak cepat, tapi jgn la buat perangai bengap ko tuh! Dah la memperbodohkan diri sendiri tergolek depan orang ramai! Pastu menyusahkan orang! Pu**mak tol la!!Mak bapak x ajar mcm ni la jadinya!
The damage


  1. ala sket je 2 bikin. dr gamba2 sebelum2 ni mcm mmg dh byk cala je keta hang so tmbh lg sket xde hal la :)

  2. pergh ni calar tahap lain nih..pedihnye ati T_T
